
Rainger Linear


Our patented Valley® Rainger™ Linear is ideal for irrigating large fields. It uses a one-cart platform that is completely customizable to your needs and your operation. Based on your infrastructure, water can be delivered to the Rainger through a ditch (i.e., canal) or a hose (pressured pipeline). This linear has high-flow capabilities, which gives you the right amount of irrigation, no matter what you grow.


  • Maximize irrigated areas: Typically irrigates 92-98% of a square or rectangular field.
  • Increase profitability: Helps reduce labor costs up to 50% compared to surface, side roll or hand move irrigation.
  • Water conservation: Conserves water by applying only the amount of water when and where needed.
  • Various applications: Does more than just irrigate; it can also be used for chemigation, fertigation, germination and leaching.
  • Valley quality: Comes standard with made-in-the-USA Valley gearboxes, providing you with the reliability, durability and quality you expect from the industry leader.

Hose Feed Specifications

Water source Pressurized pipeline
Power source Cart-mounted engine or power cord
Guidance GPS, above-ground, below-ground, furrow
Typical field size 22-67 acres
Typical flow rate 200-1,400 gpm

Ditch Feed Specifications

Water source Earthen ditch or concrete canal
Power source Cart-mounted genset
Guidance GPS, above-ground, below-ground, furrow
Typical field size 301-1,500 acres
Typical flow rate 500-4,500 gpm
Chemigation On-board tank

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